What is the Best Acne Treatment- By: Margot Oliver

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It's true that nobody is alone in wondering what is the best acne treatment. There are not many people around who have been lucky enough to be unaffected by it. Nearly every one goes through a period of their life where acne becomes an issue. As our bodies experience a period of change we tend to see the changes manifest in blemishes in the most obvious of places.

It is not a nice time of our lives and one that we are all glad to see the back of. Unfortunately for some, acne is more than just a passing faze and this is why it has a profound impact on people's social lives. Thankfully there are a few ways to combat this affliction and you can be looking as good as new in most cases.

Something that is commonly used is Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid which are found in many of the more popular acne treatments you can purchase. With responsible use, these have been effective at allaying the skin surface problems experienced by sufferers. Care should be taken not to overdo the application because the skin can actually be damaged by these chemicals.

Benzoyl peroxide is great for getting rid of any excess sebum near the surface of the skin but you need something that compliments it in any applicant you apply to your skin. With inflammation and sebum explosions going on, you are going to need something that aids healing.

This is of course imperative because the last thing you want is to get rid of one blemish only to have it replaced by a scar. Salicylic Acid is widely used for this purpose as it increases the rate at which new skin is produced. The cosmetic industry has used it for this purpose for a long time and it's results are well proven.

What should not be ignored is that the route cause of this problem is an actual hormone imbalance which is why many people experience it during their adolescent years. The Sebaceous gland becomes over active and produces an excess amount of sebum. The body then sends an increased amount of white blood cells to the area. These blood cells normally fight infection but in this instance, they end up as pus.

There are some that say that diet has a part to play in whether or not you suffer the acne symptoms. In all reality this is highly unlikely and really the only connection you may have is some foods can have a small effect on hormone levels. Most professionals tend to dismiss diet as a cause and these days it's considered a bit of a myth.

Lastly the one that is most obvious is the cleaning or washing of the skin. Many people believe that you can fix everything wrong with your skin by washing regularly. The truth is that you may actually irritate your skin more by continually scrubbing the surface. The best acne treatments tend not to advise continual washing and then only with a plain and unscented soap.

Get your free report on Understanding Acne, the cures, the myths and the causes.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : http://getting-rid-of-acne-fast.blogspot.com/2010/08/getting-rid-of-acne-fast.html